Shenanigans at the union

19 Mar

As a follow up from yesterday’s festivities on pure fm we have a clip of Matt asking the waterhole bar whether or not he can fly a helicopter around it ( Listen to it here ). We shall put up the radio play as soon we can so you can enjoy it again and again. Don’t forget to keep donating to comic relief as their work goes on all year.


Thank you!

18 Mar

Thank you all, that is it for the moment.

We’ll be back with the podcast of the play, and the full amount we raised.

I just wanted to say an incredibally large and sincere thank you to you all.

To all of you who tuned in and spread the word thank you. Especially to Mr Mark Watson who unprompted mentioned on his very lovely blog.

Thank you to all the people at the Union putting up with us and making this happen, a big shout out to all the people at

Thank you to all the HeavyHanders who worked so hard to help me in doing this, that includes all our performers: Gemma Kilby, Owen Jones, Dom Snook, Freddie Goldsmith, Rich Langdon and Max Thompson. Also to those who dropped by and offered support: Matthew Lidierth, Matt Griffiths and Cat Smedley.

And also thank you to all of YOU who donated and are helping to make a real difference in people’s lives.

You can come back here to find the podcast and the amount we raised (unfortunately not til after monday). If you want to know when it’s up then follow us on Twitter @portsheavyhands

And please do still continue to give over at


Thank you


The time is neigh…

18 Mar

Right, we’re sat in pure FM stuido about to go live with the play. Tune in on and see the fruits of our labour and don’t forget to keep donating, the money will go to people who really need and deserve. Thanks to everyone. Woooooooooooo.

Dom (no longer wet, streetcrawler)

Running up that Hill

18 Mar

Captain’s Log: Star Date, Red Nose Day

Well, here we are. Still in Third Space, starting to turn into some sort of group of dishevelled comedy hermits, sustaining our comedy influences purely by means of fizzy drinks and sweets.

The influences are disassembled, the running order for the script is finalised, the cast list is pretty much sorted, and we’ve filled this show with enough obscure references to sink a pop culture battleship.

We’re venturing outside now to recharge our solar batteries with natural life, before retreating back to our cave in order to write the script properly.

But for now, until we speak again, just know that we are struggling on. Because it’s for Comic Relief, and because we’re masochists like that.

To  listen to the shenanigans tonight tune in live on at 8 and prepare to laugh. Also donations are very nice as these can help people less fortunate then us all around the world.




Update Number One

18 Mar

Brian Cox’s Science Boobs.




The journey begins…..

18 Mar

Hey, just looking through the suggestion and looking how to mold them into a some sort of narritive. We are still taking suggestions and so go to and donate and make suggestions or come visit us in third space, we’re on some seats eating haribo. Thanks for all your suggestions, donations and zaney time, don’t forget tune into pure fm at 8pm on Finally NOM haribo.


Dom (The wet street crawler)

Suggestions so far

18 Mar

Boobs, Second St Patrick’s Day, Aliens, Platypus and a man with the insatiable need to see everyone as a nice person. That’s what we have so far! Not happy with what we have? Donate your own suggestion at

On a side note Matt Griffiths will be attempting to fly a helicopter in the union* if we raise enough money, so if you want Matt to fly a helicopter (which you do) donate a spare bob or 2 at least. Go on.

We are LIVE!

18 Mar

Good morning world, we are live on radio right now so go check us out at

We are still waiting for suggestions on this blog so please send us what you want included and we will perform it tonight live on air. All we ask for you to suggest is that you donate some money to comic relief at

Any amount is welcome, so get donating!

Hello world!

14 Mar


We’re the comedy society at University of Portsmouth. We’re called Portsmouth HeavyHands. We’ve decided that we’ll do something in aid of Comic Relief. So the obivous answer to Portsmouth HeavyHands helping Comic Relief is: HAND RELIEF!

On March 18th (Red Nose Day) we will be performing our event which thankfully isn’t literal. We’ll be writing and rehearsing an entire comic radio play in one afternoon based on your suggestions which we will then perform LIVE on air that evening. Your suggestions can be elements of plot, character, lines of dialogue or even just a word you want included. Obviously we can’t include all the suggestions but we will endeavour to include as many as possible. All we ask is that if you want to make a suggestion you need to make a donation. You can do this by going to

On the day itself we’ll be taking to the airwaves of Pure FM at 10am for a couple of hours to launch the event and read out some of your suggestions. Then from 12 we will begin writing. Throughout the afternoon we will occassionally be popping back on air to give updates and also blogging HERE all day to keep you bang up to date. Then at 8pm we will be going live on air to bring you our radio extravaganza.

So please do spread the word, please do tune in, and above all please do give money.
